TOD Connects Community Workshops – The Hop
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Temporary schedule in effect. Click here to learn more.

TOD Connects Community Workshops

Join us for our 4th Community Workshop for the Moving Milwaukee Forward through Transit Oriented Development Study. There are two meetings scheduled, one for the King Drive area and one for the Walker’s Point area.

Tuesday, May 22nd
Welford Sanders Enterprise Center
2812 N 5th St, Milwaukee, WI 53212


Wednesday, May 23rd
Escuela Vieau, gymnasium
823 South 4th Street
Milwaukee WI 53204

A light dinner will be served at both meetings

The proposed, future extensions of the The Hop north along Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and south into Walker’s Point have the potential to connect people to jobs, attract new businesses, bring new housing options and improve public open spaces. The City of Milwaukee, Historic King Drive Business Improvement District, Walker’s Point Association and Harbor District Inc. are planning for how to ensure residents and businesses benefit from the potential changes that improved transit could bring to the neighborhood. The only way to make this study successful is to hear from residents.

Over the course of the past three community workshops, we heard from the community on a wide range of topics related to expansion of The Hop and got feedback on preliminary design concepts to address:

  • Housing needs, especially affordable options
  • Different type of commercial activity that people would like to have in their neighborhood
  • Keeping the unique cultural identity of the neighborhoods
  • Size and appearance of new buildings
  • Making the area more pleasant for walking and biking

Please help us in refining these concepts as we think about the different ways to make these community goals happen.

There will be a presentation at the beginning, followed by an opportunity to talk with the study team and other residents in small groups about the preliminary recommendations.  Additional details about the event and the project are available here. Please attend and bring a neighbor!

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